The following word was given to me by the Holy Spirit. It is for those who need an answer to prayer, who need help in a time of trouble, and who are ready and willing to move God’s heart according to his Word:

1. Lay hold of the covenant promise in Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” The phrase “very present” means always available, immediately accessible. Faith must rest in the assurance that God’s Spirit abides in you all hours of the day and night, continually. And because he took up a habitation in you, he listens to your every prayerful thought and cry. We know that if he hears us, he will grant our petitions. Indeed, the Holy Spirit will move heaven and earth for any child of God who takes time to pour out his heart to the Father with unrushed, unhurried time in his presence.

2. Read and believe Psalm 62:5-7. This is the prayer of David that touched God’s heart. David said, in essence, “Wait on God only. Expect help from no other source. He alone must be your provision, your only hope and defense. Only he can supply you with the strength to keep going until your answer comes.”

When you become wholly dependent on the Lord alone – when you stop looking to man for help, and trust God for the supernatural – nothing will be able to shake you. Nothing can move you into fits of despair. David declared, “I shall not be moved” (Psalm 62:6).

3. Here is the heart of it all, the secret to prevailing prayer that every saint throughout history has learned: THE POURING OUT OF THE HEART BEFORE THE LORD. “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8). Hannah is our example. Desperate for a child, she “poured out” her soul to the Lord. And, Scripture says, “Her countenance was no more sad” (1 Samuel 1:18).

God will hear and answer you when he sees you’re willing to shut off all worldly voices for a season. Cry out the contents of your heart, pour out your soul before him, and trust he will respond. The time has come for brokenness before the Lord, for a faith born out of contrite intercession. Follow these scriptural ways, and God will hear and answer.